Google Brings Street View to Africa’s Savanna
Google is letting the public see what elephant conservation looks like through a whole new lens: Street View. Thanks to an initiative...

Zimbabwe has all but let Cecil’s killers off the hook as Mugabe’s wife says hunter did nothing wrong. “I say the dentist who killed the...

The NSPCAs Wildlife Protection Unit has compiled an in-depth report on the captive Elephant industry in South Africa. All information...

Hunters Bagged 10,000 Lions in Africa Since 2003, Trophy Data Show
Given that in Africa wild lions are in catastrophic decline–the latest International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) figures...

Is trophy hunting really sustainable?
Throughout history, human beings have killed wild animals to defend, avenge, profit or feed themselves. They still do. But there are a...

How to Save Elephants: Obliterate Ivory Stockpiles Simultaneously
To save African elephants from extinction, “range states should put their ivory stockpiles beyond commercial use immediately and...

How Killing Elephants Finances Terror in Africa
When the American Museum of Natural History wanted to update the hall of North American mammals, taxidermist George Dante got the call....

Who Buys Ivory? You’d Be Surprised
A new international survey reveals what’s really driving the demand side of the ivory market. The majority of people who buy products...

Zimbabwe says Cecil the Lion hunt was definitely illegal
Parks Authority believes that the use of a bow and an arrow “was meant to conceal the illegal hunt by using a means that would not alert...

Emergency declared as elephant poached
Johannesburg – An emergency was declared as the first elephant was poached on the western border of Kruger National Park. Each day in...